Part 1: Live the Values
Ultimately, our potential as leaders will be determined not by born leadership abilities, but by letting ourselves be crafted through circumstances, instruction, observations, reflection, failures, and renewed efforts. Leaders who make the greatest impact have spent years in the leadership development process themselves. Organizations rise and fall based on a firm set of values. And one of the most reliable ways to build credibility inside and outside our team is to Walk the Talk.
Making Others Successful: SUCCESS THROUGH COACHING
If you have ever played on a team, whether academic, athletic, or a hobby, you’ve experienced coaching. This individual who serves as “Coach” invests knowledge, understanding, know-how, personal experience, and study into making others more capable and successful in that specific field. Professionally, these individuals go by different names: supervisor, manager, director, trainer. But they all involve elements of coaching. Coaches prepare the team to successfully think through potential challenges, using the resources at hand to find solutions, and lead them into fruitful production and achieving goals.