Overcoming the Leadership Vacuum: Harnessing the Compounding Power of Teamwork
The success of organizations depends on strong, visionary leadership. Companies can compensate for the absence of certain skills and resources but cannot overcome the absence of effective leadership. This leads to a high level of frustration among leaders and team members. What causes this dilemma? The leaders’ skill sets are weighted toward other areas. Consequently, a massive leadership vacuum develops.
Part 4: Communicate the Vision
It is important for us to remember that regardless of how wonderful a vision is, it is dead on arrival if we are unable to communicate it effectively. Replication should not be our priority. We can, however, enhance our own presentation skills by observing others’ style with the hope of adopting some qualitative elements to help us communicate our vision more clearly and effectively. You may want to pull up Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream” speech as an inspirational refresher.